Successful debt collection in Belarus

One Italian company «L..» during a long period of time cooperated with the company «B..» located in Belarus.

After some time manager, responsible for the communication with Belarusian customer, left the company, the case wasn’t transferred to the new manager and the information about this case has been lost.

Once the information has been detected by management, delay of payment was more than 3 years.

Without seeing alternative solutions management of Italian company decided to apply to our debt collection company with the request to recover the debt in Belarus.

Since the client did not provide us with debtor’s contact data, our team started to look for the company details by themselves. Despite the limited access to information in Belarus, they have found that the company exists and continues its business activity.

By dint of long and sophisticated negotiations our experts convinced the debtor to pay the debt in parts. Since both parties agreed with this solution the amount of debt was settled fully within 4 months.

Despite the limitation period was missed by creditor, our experts found right solution and the case was closed successfully.

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